Wednesday, April 23, 2008

WE ARE IN PGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, you read it right. We are finally in PGN after waiting a month since our pre - approval (PA) from the embassy. That was a big hurdle. God is faithful! PGN (the Attorney General) is the place that processes and ultimately "approves" our adoption. The best case scenerio would be to get approved by PGN in about 8 weeks. (Worst case scenerio, many months). PGN is very picky as they go through all your documents, one small error and your case can be kicked out to fix the error. If you get a kick-0ut, you have to be resubmitted and the wait starts over again. So needless to say, we don't want any kick-outs! If you are inclined to pray for us, please pray for our "reviewer" in PGN to be fair, for us not to have any document problems, and to get Arabella home as quickly as possible. After we get out of PGN, we will be bringing Arabella home in about 6 weeks after that. We are still praying that she'll be home for us to throw her a big 1st birthday bash in August. If God sees fit to give us a miracle and bring her home sooner, we would fine with that as well. Another neat thing happened yesterday. Many of you know that I sell jewelry and do jewelry fashion shows for extra income. Two ladies at work did a show for me yesterday after work and it was a huge success! They sold so much jewelry that I made enough to cover my plane ticket to Guatemala to visit Arabella this summer. Thank you Susan and Esther (and everyone who bought jewelry) for helping me get to Guatemala to spoil my girl! My God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory! I don't deserve it, but He is very good to me!


Lori said...

He does supply all our needs according to his riches and Glory! What a week! I rejoice you are finally in the High Court of the Land PGN! Hang in there it might look a little bumpy today but I believe it will work to the Glory of God!

lauren said...

Congrats!!!! I checked Valerie's blog first, so I saw your news there :) Now that you are in...we just have to figure out what they are going to do with us so we can GET OUT FAST!!!!

Beth said...

I am so excited for you!! I hope you have a very short stay in PGN. Maybe the new Attorney General will speed things up. I will definitely say prayers for you! God is good!!


Susie P said...

I'm so happy for you and your husband for getting in PGN!!I will continue to pray for you. I'm blessed to be able to help you out with the jewerly party. I usually don't do parties, but GOD answered a prayer. GOD is GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!He has a plan for all of us.
Love and God bless you always,

Liz said...

Tonya&Bob,I just know that you won't stay in PGN very long, and you will be able to bring that prescious baby home,she is just a little doll. thanks again for letting us share your visit with Bella i ran in here every day just to see what you sent. It would be wonderful if she would be here for her 1st birthday! Wow what a party, things will never be the same around here. Your Faith will get you through til you see&your Bella again, He hasn't failed you yet. All our Love& Prayers for you you will soon be a family,your life will be complete when your Daughter comes home

Love you lots, God Bless
Aunt Liz&Uncle Vic