Tuesday, February 12, 2008

January pictures of Arabella and updates

Here are pictures of Arabella in January. She weighed 14 lbs., 2 ozs. Doesn't she look pretty in purple? She gained almost a pound and a half since December. She is really growing! I thought I would try to give you an update about where we are in the adoption process since December when we started. Like I said in my first post, we started the adoption in Dec. We got our power of attorney signed and registered in Dec. Shortly after that our dossier (adoption paperwork) was sent to Guatemala. Then it had to be translated into Spanish. We entered family court on January 31 and should have a social worker assigned to our case by now. The social worker interviews the birthmom and the fostermom and then writes a social worker report. She needs to write a report with a favorable opinion for us to proceed further with our adoption. After we exit family court, our case can then go to PGN (it's like the Attorney General's office), but not until after DNA and PA. I'll tell you more about that next. We got DNA authorization on Feb.1. This means that Guatemala authorized the sample of birthmom and Arabella's DNA to be taken. The appointment was scheduled for Feb. 8. This is done to ensure that the person who is giving up the baby for adoption is in fact the biological mother. They put this safeguard in place to help stop corruption in adoptions. The DNA appointment happened as scheduled on Fri. and it is now at the lab being tested. When the test is done, they will send the results to the United States Embassy in Guatemala. When it arrives there, we start waiting for preapproval (PA) for our case. Like I said earlier, you have to have the social worker report and PA to enter PGN. Pray for a quick PA. Right now PA is taking up to 60 days or longer. The faster we get PA, the faster we can get into PGN. PGN is the office that eventually approves the adoption. After you get "out" of PGN, there are only a few steps left. You are usually in PGN for a couple of months or longer. Again, pray for our paperwork to be perfect so we can sail in and out of PGN quickly. Usually after your exit PGN, your baby is home within 6 weeks after that. Hopefully this has explained a little bit about why it takes so long. Everybody keeps asking me that. International adoption is not for the weak at heart. It is a very long and tiring journey, but we are up for the challenge! It will be well worth it in the end. We feel very blessed to be the ones chosen by our Heavenly Father to care for Arabella while on this earth. One day last month as I was driving down the road I started thinking about how much I love this baby that I haven't even got to hold yet. A realization hit me and tears ran down my face. The Lord knew Arabella would need me. I have had a place in my heart that only a child could fill; I have been devastated by not being able to get pregnant and have a biological child. If I could have had a bioligical child before now, I would not have pursued international adoption and I would not have found my precious Bella. I found a lot of peace in that realization. I wouldn't wish the pain and grief of infertility on anyone, but now I know God had a plan. He always has a plan, it is just hard for us to see at the time. I know the Lord is watching over Bella now and will keep her safe until we can bring her home.

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