Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February pictures of Arabella

These are pictures from Feb. 11th. She now weighs 16 pounds! I love the last picture. It makes you really want to know what she is looking at that is so enthralling. Her hair is getting longer, too. She already has more hair than her daddy. As I said in my last post, the DNA samples are at the lab and we should hear something about the results next week. As soon as we get these, we can purchase our airline tickets for our visit trip on spring break. I am so anxious to hold her I can hardly stand it! I have a prayer request for you as well. Please pray for Bella's birthmom. I can't imagine the grieving she has to go through. Imagine being so poor that you can't afford to feed your baby. You know the only way for her to be healthy and happy is to let another family raise her and that after she leaves your country, you will never see her again. Pray that the Lord will give her peace that she made the right decision and for her to know that we will love her child as our own unconditionally. I read a statement recently regarding adoption that sums it up: For my dreams to come true, someone's heart had to be broken. It is sad, but true. We will get a picture in the mail of Bella's birthmom with our DNA results. I will keep this picture to show Bella what her birthmom looked like when she is older and asks about her. I will forever be grateful to Bella's birthmom for choosing life and for giving her a chance at a healthy and happy life with us!

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