Sunday, May 25, 2008

God is GOOD!

Well, first of all it's only 9 days til I get to hold my sweet baby again and Grandma Charlene gets to meet her. We're beyond excited! We had a yard sale yesterday to make some extra money for our trip. I told Mom I would be excited if we made $200. Well, we did much better than that. We actually made $510! I am not sure how, the most expensive item we sold was $20. All I can figure is that the Lord really blessed us! There is no news to report about our adoption; I'm told we're still in PGN. PGN is continuing conducting birthmother interviews. Ours has not been scheduled yet and PGN is still not releasing any cases. Please pray for our birthmother as these interviews are very emotional and not easy. Also pray that we won't get any previos (kick-outs for errors, missing signatures, etc.), and that our interview will happen soon. Rumors say that in a couple of weeks all the cases which have had interviews will be released with either approvals or previos. If you have a previo, you must fix the error and be resubmitted. I pray this is true as PGN has been "holding" cases for several weeks now. If they hold all these cases and release tons at the same time, then this will cause delays with the last few steps of the process, but at least they will be out of PGN. Some of my friends who are adopting got some movement on their cases this week, and I am happy for them. Keep praying for Valerie and Lori and their families. Happy first birthday to Isabelle (Lauren's baby) this week in Guatemala; she needs to be home soon! Pray for Lauren as it is hard to be missing her baby girl's first birthday. Congratulations to Beth and her handsome son, Zach, who just arrived home from Guatemala! I praise the Lord for his mercy and goodness! He is good to me, and I know I don't deserve it. I am so thankful for this chance of a lifetime to spend a month with Bella. Someone said to me today that they couldn't do it, that it would be too hard. It will be hard to leave her, but I wouldn't miss the time I get to spend with her for anything in the world. Hopefully we will get good news from PGN while we are there. It usually is less than 2 months after that (PGN out) that you get to bring your baby home. We're still praying for a miracle that she will be home to celebrate her first birthday on August 14th. Join in this prayer with us! Blessings, Tonya Arabella's Mommy


Dream Angel's Mommy said...

I'm counting down the days with you! Not too much longer and Arabella will have her mommy. Great job on the yard sale. I know your interview will come soon. Let's hope it is this week.

Beth said...

I am so excited for you to get to spend a month with your precious daughter. Hopefully you will get out of PGN while you are there (sooner of course would be better). Have a great trip and I will continue my prayers for you!
